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Vehicle Accident Attorneys for Bullitt County Kentucky


A car or truck accident can change your life in the blink of an eye. Personal injuries sustained in auto accidents can lead to long-term or permanent disability, and even wrongful death. Fighting for fair compensation from the insurance companies can be an uphill battle, and many victims of truck and car accidents get discouraged when faced with mounting medical bills, lost wages, and a painful recovery.

An experienced car and truck accident attorney can help you pursue compensation to cover your medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages following a collision. At Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC, our personal injury lawyers serve clients in Bullitt county and throughout Bullitt County, Kentucky who have been injured in auto accidents. We offer free initial consultations for all personal injury matters, so it costs you nothing to have your case reviewed by a top personal injury attorney with experience handling motor vehicle accident cases.

Helping you stand up to the insurance companies

Following a truck or car wreck, many insurance companies will send you a “one-time” settlement offer, but it may not be a good idea to take it. Initial settlements seldom take into account the long-term effects an accident can have on your finances and your quality of life. Oftentimes, accepting an initial settlement offer means signing away your right to pursue further compensation. Insurance companies make these offers because they know that with representation from a skilled truck or car accident lawyer, you could potentially get a lot more.

More than just medical bills

Lost wages following an auto accident can quickly make a bad situation much worse. If your car or truck accident leads to long-term or permanent disability, your case needs to reflect the impact your accident can have on your future ability to make a living, and the pain and suffering that can result.

If you feel the insurance company’s offers aren’t taking into account the complete repercussions of your injuries, In Bullitt County contact the truck and car accident attorneys of Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC. We offer free case evaluations and will act as your representatives to the insurance companies as you fight for fair compensation for your injuries.

Victims in Bullit County Should Contact an Experienced Vehicle Wreck Attorney

If you live in Bullit County, Kentucky, and have been injured in a car or truck accident, schedule a free consultation with one of our helpful personal injury attorneys. Call our offices at 502-426-1700. We are ready to stand in your corner and fight for fair compensation for your motor vehicle accident injuries. At Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC, we serve injured clients in Shepherdsville, Mt. Washington, Lebanon junction, and other communities throughout Bullitt County, Kentucky.

Meet Personal Injury Attorney John C. Dodson

John C. Dodson Attorney

John C. Dodson

Free Initial Consultation

So, whether you need help negotiating a full and fair insurance settlement for a personal injury, are ready to take your first step in starting a business, buying a home or commercial property or are involved in a business dispute turn to the legal professionals at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC. Call us at 502-426-1700 or send an email to arrange an initial consultation at no cost. For probate, estate administration and estate planning, call 502-426-1402.