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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for Shelby County Kentucky

Personal Injury Attorney with Experience Motorcycle Accidents Occuring in Shelby County

Road hazards are a common cause of motorcycle accidents. Seemingly small things that have little or no effect on the handling of an automobile can cause a motorcycle to crash. Motorcyclists need to be aware of what constitutes a hazard, be alert for them, and try to avoid them if at all possible.

Lawyer for victims injured in motorcycle accidents in Shelbyville

Some common hazards for motorcycles include:

Uneven Roads

Rough and bumpy surfaces, roads in need of repairs or resurfacing often contribute to motorcycle accidents.

Loose Gravel

An annoyance for automobile drivers, gravel is one of the trickiest things for motorcyclists to navigate, particularly during cornering. Gravel on pavement tends to be common on winding roads that are popular with bikers and require a lot of cornering, increasing the potential for accidents.

Edge Breaks

An edge break is where to traffic lanes are different heights. Barely noticeable when driving a car, edge breaks are often problematic for motorcyclists, especially when traveling on highways at high speeds.

Expansion Joints

Two sections of a road, or a road and a bridge, are connected together by an expansion joint. Expansion joints allow the road to expand and contract without cracking, but also create an uneven surface that can become slippery in wet weather, posing a hazard for motorcyclists.

Slippery Surfaces

Slippery surfaces are much more treacherous for motorcycles than for cars, because of the unstable nature of a two-wheeled vehicle, its smaller size, and lighter weight. Slippery surfaces are even more dangerous when a motorcycle is in the process of turning.

If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident in Shelby County, Kentucky, contact the attorneys at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC online or call 502-426-1700 for a free, no-risk case evaluation.

Meet Personal Injury Attorney John C. Dodson

John C. Dodson Attorney

John C. Dodson

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So, whether you need help negotiating a full and fair insurance settlement for a personal injury, are ready to take your first step in starting a business, buying a home or commercial property or are involved in a business dispute turn to the legal professionals at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC. Call us at 502-426-1700 or send an email to arrange an initial consultation at no cost. For probate, estate administration and estate planning, call 502-426-1402.