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Truck Accident Attorney for Hardin County

Accident Lawyers Focus on Commercial Vehicle and Tractor-Trailer Crashes in Hardin County Kentucky

Personal Injury Law Firm Represents Drivers Injured in Accidents With Large Trucks

Tractor-trailer accidents pose serious danger to the drivers of passenger vehicles. Here is some information about what to do if you are involved in an accident with a large semi-truck:

What should I do if I am involved in an accident with a Semi-Truck?

You should alert the authorities, get medical attention for yourself and assist others if you are able, photograph the damage (if possible), and exchange insurance information with the trucker involved.

How does an accident involving a truck differ from a typical accident?

The injuries suffered in tractor-trailer accidents are usually more serious because of the size and weight of commercial trucks. Truck accidents also tend to include multiple insurance carriers because the trucking company might be covered by one carrier while the trailer or goods being carried by another company. There are also a series of federal laws that apply specifically to truck drivers.

What are the distinctive responsibilities of truck drivers relative to other motorists?

Because they operate large vehicles, truck drivers have a duty to the other drivers on the road to operate their trucks in a safe manner by maintaining a safe speed, checking their blind spots before making turns or changing lanes, and watching for other vehicles when attempting wide turns. They are forbidden to drink and drive, operate a cell phone while driving, drive while tired, and exceed federal hours-of-service (HOS) safety regulations. They also are not allowed to be on the road when weather and road conditions do not permit.

In Hardin County Kentucky Contact Commercial Vehicle Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Were you seriously injured in an accident with a tractor-trailer in Hardin County, KYIL? Contact the injury attorneys at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC online or call 502-426-1700 to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced Hardin County injury lawyer today. Our client-centered approach to auto accident cases has made us one of the most respected personal injury firms serving Hardin County.

At Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC, we serve injured clients in Elizabethtown, Radcliff, Fort Knox, and communities throughout Hardin County, Kentucky.

Meet Personal Injury Attorney John C. Dodson

John C. Dodson Attorney

John C. Dodson

Free Initial Consultation

So, whether you need help negotiating a full and fair insurance settlement for a personal injury, are ready to take your first step in starting a business, buying a home or commercial property or are involved in a business dispute turn to the legal professionals at Thomas, Dodson & Wolford, PLLC. Call us at 502-426-1700 or send an email to arrange an initial consultation at no cost. For probate, estate administration and estate planning, call 502-426-1402.